House Ideas

stu stu studio.

18 March, 2008 (11:51) | House Ideas

If you know me well, you know that I like things to have a reason or purpose.  I definitely take function over aesthetic, but if you can mix the two in harmony, that’s ideal.  To the point though, I would love a studio in the house, but I’d never be able to use it to it’s full potential.  So i’d like it to have it’s own entrance and have it run as a business.  There’s probably some way I could take advantage of running a business out of my home come tax time too.  If I could find someone that would be willing to run it for 85% of the profit, I think it could work out well.  It’d be nice to open up the house to musicians as well.


Pittsburgh development is blowing up!

14 March, 2008 (13:58) | Pittsburgh

they’re going to blow up the old St. Francis hospital across the street from the Mellon Arena next Saturday.  YAY!  I don’t know if you’ll be able to hear or feel the explosion from my house, but I’ll definitely get as close as possible to see it happen.  That will be a fun thing for Erik to see too I think. 

Thoughts & Ideas

Question of ethics: you left your lights on.

14 March, 2008 (01:48) | Thoughts & Ideas

You’re staying at a hotel and you notice a car has it’s lights on in the parking lot.  You stop by the front desk and let them know, but they can’t do anything about it because they don’t keep track of whose cars are in the lot.  What else do you do?  What else can you do?  Do you go to the car and see if it’s unlocked and turn the lights off yourself?  Do you set off the alarm so they have to go check it out?

Life Long Goals

In the game of life, there is no stale mate.

11 March, 2008 (10:42) | Life Long Goals

I was at the Roselius’ this weekend and they had a chess board with carved stone game pieces.  The pieces were just some sort of tribal theme, with elephants, a monkey, and stuff like that.  I’ve always loved the themed chess boards.  I’ve seen peuter civil war sets, star wars sets, and a bunch of others.  So i want to make game pieces, i guess just out of wood…but maybe sculpt them out of clay or something…not sure.  But I definitely want to make a set.

Wax Poetic


6 March, 2008 (10:34) | Wax Poetic

To everyone and anyone
The empty arms are as small as
The earth in the astros

To empathize altogether
With my total exhaust of animation
Would be the extent of absolution

For nothing I thought ever appeared
And all my dreams took escape from their attendant
And left me with these empty arms.

Memorable Quotes

If you don’t use it, you lose it.

5 March, 2008 (09:46) | Memorable Quotes

"To whom much is given, from him much will be required."

 – Luke 12:48