Cops can ruin your day.
Maybe even your life. Don’t mess with them. Even if you detect them trying to ensnare you in mind games, don’t call them out on it. Just respond with unemotional facts. Seek resolution promptly. Nothing is worth the fight.
Tags: authority, cops, defense, ID, law, license, mean, registration, respect, rules, smart, ticket, violence
25 October, 2012 (12:00) | Dreams |
I had a weird dream that my 4 sisters, my mom, and I were all watching old slides with my step-grandfather (pap-pap) and grandmother. We’re flipping through the slides and we get to one of people posing around a birthday cake on a table. It’s from the early 80’s. I don’t recognize anyone in the picture and ask who a certain man is. Pap pap responded that it was my Uncle Charlie (I have no Uncle Charlie). I was confused, and asked how I was related to him. Pap pap and my grandma looked at me perplexed, as if I should know already, but they said it was through my step sister. I think her name was Amy. They went on to explain that my dad had a daughter out of wedlock before he met my mom. Uncle Charlie was really her mom’s brother. I flipped out. How can my sisters and my mom live knowing there is another sibling out there that we don’t talk to? How come I was never told about her? I think J’aime or my mom said they thought about telling Amy when my dad died, but they didn’t know how to get in touch with her.
Tags: amy, ancestry, dad, dream, family, grandma, mom, pappap, sibling, sister
Carpets do not belong in bathrooms.
That’s just nasty.
Tags: bathroom, carpet, clean, disease, germs, gross, urine
Why do they check babies at the airport? More practically, how do they reasonably justify their actions to check babies at the airport as worth while? What are they trying to prevent? What are they really able to prevent?
Think about it. A baby is stolen from a hospital or a family. doesn’t matter where. The first question asked is do you have any idea who the suspects are. If so, then you’re looking for the people, not the baby. If you have no idea who took the baby, what leads do you have?
photo ID checks don’t tell if you have a baby or not. COPIES of birth certificates can be pretty easily doctored or created. I’m not even sure they check birth certificates.
I’m not saying don’t check. I’m just asking, in reality, what are the checks actually capable of revealing? What are the statistics around people being caught with a baby they stole at an airport versus people who get their airport security with a baby that is not theirs?
Tags: airport, babies, baby, ID, kidnapping, photo, plane, security, technology, track, TSA
How much attention do you pay to what people wear around you? Do you look to see what everyone is wearing all the time? Do you only notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops? Do you EVEN notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops? I know I barely can keep track of what I’ve worn for more than 2 weeks, and I couldn’t tell you what anyone wore at the end of the day. There was 1 guy that had a couple shirts with some notable stains and tears, so when I saw those with regularity, I knew it, but that’s about it.
Tags: clothes, colors, dress, norm, shirt, shoes, social, tie, uniform, Work
Friday is not a holiday.
Don’t treat it like one. Don’t wish me a happy Friday unless you’re willing to embark in wishing everyone a happy Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday just as much. Notice I didn’t say Monday, because there’s probably some bright eyed and bushy tailed jerk out there that might actually think that sounds like a great idea. I’d fear legal ramifications as an accessory to murder if I encouraged someone to say “HAPPY MONDAY!” to everyone every week.
Look, it’s almost the weekend, I get it. There’s a reason to be positive. Don’t take away from the weekend though and celebrate Friday. That’s just premature. A little like counting your chickens before they hatch, but more like declaring the war in Iraq over while you still have troops there.
Tags: chickens, daily, friday, grind, holiday, perky, positive, war, warrior, weekend, Work