![]() | Mind over matter |
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter"
– Mark Twain
![]() | Mind over matter |
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter"
– Mark Twain
![]() | I am not made for this world. |
I’ve said that so much. I simply am not designed for this world. I don’t fit in. I’m not speaking in emo terms here, we’ve got the facts and we’re voting yes, to borrow a phrase from Death Cab for Cutie. I enjoy things that people do not. I do not enjoy things that people do. My first reaction is different from other people. I think differently. This is me. But most recently, it’s about being a consumer whore.
I love Edy’s Grand Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough with caramel swirl ice cream. It’s pure heaven. I’ve eaten the whole carton at one sitting. but for the past 3 months, i have not been able to find it at any of the walmarts i frequent. This leads me to believe that they have stopped producing my delectable dessert. That makes me a depressed panda.
This is not the first item that I’ve enjoyed purchasing that has ceased to be. Certs used to make mints in a credit card sized container and it was amazing. they didn’t rattle in your pocket. There was no bulge in your pocket that made you selfconscience about what people thought, and they were good too! I would buy 5 at a time!!! When i could no longer find them in stores or gas stations any more, I actually wrote Certs a letter. They said that people weren’t buying them and they had no plans to reintroduce the item.
I’ll even rach back to crystal pepsi. I loved that stuff!! I sincerely liked it and wanted it. but they take it away.
I try to be a consumer whore, just like the rest of americans, but I get rejected by the very entities that feed me their merchandise! WHY??? I don’t get it.
| Pittsburgh website to find your missing glove! |
Just in time for the cold weather, this site will keep track of gloves that people report and hopefully reunite them with their owner. It’s a cute idea that’s getting a lot of attention.
![]() | Brick walls separate us from those whodon’t want to achieve childhood dreams. |
"If your kids want to paint their bedrooms, as a favor to me, let them do it."
– Dr. Randy Pausch, CMU Professor dying of Pancreatic cancer
| it’s been a long december. |
I updated the gallery software today, lots of cool new features to check out. I also finally got around to uploading the pictures from italy and london and i also threw up the pictures from my recent jaunt to las vegas for my birthday.
2 more weeks of classes and I’m all gradiated! gotta do some major work before that happens, but should be cool to finally be done with it.
I went up with jordan otto and tim mudrick to my uncle kenny’s studio and recorded come over and we’re going out with them playing bass and drums. The tracks aren’t perfect, but there’s a heck of a lot of potential there. I’m really excited about playing more with those guys. They’re great people, friends, christians, minds, musicians, and company. Can’t go wrong with that. Hopefully we’ll play more together and play out.
one of deirdre’s cats got stuck in some western pennsylvanian hick’s trap and he lost his front left paw. about $1000 to cut it off and save him, and deirdre was very willing to pay that to save his life. the trade off now is that he’ll be moving in with me in the city. I’m a little worried to have him living here in the city, because it’s a whole new world if he gets out on the streets. But i guess he won’t be going far with 3 legs. Really sad. I’ll take pictures when he’s here.
not all that much else to report…serah’s about to burst out a pesce, rachel and i are at eachother’s ends in terms of our long distance relationship and that struggle, we got a nintendo wii, i have tons of beer left over from a party, work is slowly going along and no news of a permanent position, no news on j’aime’s kids, and that’s about it. hmmm, wish there was something more insightful and deep to say, but i guess it’s just not there tonight…
![]() | working the grave yard shift can cause cancer. |
Crap. I loved working the night shift. This does not do wonders for my paranoia about cancer either. I really am thinking about a yearly MRI.