| life changes with all the life changes. |
Moved rachel out to cleveland this past weekend. It’s only a 2 hour drive or so, so the distance thing isn’t really bothering me too much at this point. Sure, i don’t get to see her everyday, but they say that distance makes the heart grow stronger…or is it fonder? both? I forget how it goes…but yes.
The Deirdre moved in with me this week too. That should be fun. Havent really interacted much yet, she’s going to be busy with volleyball in the evenings, but we should have a good time.
played out at another open mic last night by myself. I was late, so i was the last person to go on around midnight, and half the people had left already, so it was only for a crowd of 20 or so. Everyone was only doing 3 songs all night, but after i did my three, the dude running it asked me to play another. It very well may have been because I was the last person, but it still felt nice not to be stopped after 1 or 2. Afterward he came up to me and asked if those were all mine, and he seemed pretty genuinely entertained by them and told me to definitely come back. I think i want to try at least 2 other spots before I go back there though.
Almost forgot that my classes are starting up next week. ugh. 2 classes for the first half of the semester and then another 2 for the second half and then FIN. hopefully. This fall is going to be so busy with all that is going on. especially with me wanting to go to vegas and colorado for my birthday.
Work gave me some more responsibility. I’m actually in charge of my own project now. I’m heading up the project to upgrade every PC in the country to office 2003. pretty daunting, right? I have to come up with a plan of action, support, all that jazz and that’s on top of my current responsibilities. I think i’ll be alright though…I just hope they arent judging me too harshly, I’m still a newb.
so as you can see, quite the plateful as of late. I want to try and get new songs up before the end of next week as well…I should get started…