![]() | New songs! |
new songs are up. tell me what ya think.
![]() | New songs! |
new songs are up. tell me what ya think.
| a case of the febs |
well, got my cast off. I got this big ‘ol boot now though. It’s actually pretty nice though. It has a rounded bottom and lots of straps and it distributes weight load from my foot to my shin and lower leg. The doc said i should still stay off it and use crutches for another 2 weeks, but i vetoed that. What’s the permanent damage you speak of? I feel liberated! I probably will wear the boot for the rest of the month though. it’s still too swollen for shoes, and doesnt feel safe walking without added support.
UK trip for work is off. Found out that with my boss and his boss going, they were going to deplete the budget, so no trip for me. It’s cool though, i was prepared for it. I had made a mental decision that if i got to go, i’d be more dedicated to sticking around longer because they valued me. With another peer moving on to another department who has been in my position a month less than I have, which means he had to get manager’s approval, this after i was denied approval for a move back in november, i’m pretty sure i’ll be heading out sooner than later.
really behind on recording now. I don’t know when the next time i’ll be able to dedicate time to finish songs for this month. I have valentines this wednesday, have some plans for that in the works. I’ve never been one for valentines day, but that is usually because i’m expected to do something. With Rachel, it’s different. I know that she’d appreciate me if I did nothing at all, which makes me want to do so much more. heh. Hopefully the weather will hold out to make it an enjoyable night. I met her brother last week. Pretty cool dude. We had a lot in common. I don’t want to say he’s a geek, but he knows his IT, and that’s A-O-K with me.
Jordan’s moving out by the end of the month. Found a guy in chicago that seems nice enough who needs a place until april. So, it’s a band-aid, but it will buy me some time to find someone else, and also puts me in a better spot since people will be looking for summer housing.
![]() | all the small things |
you can now comment on the pictures in the gallery. Took a while to figure out how to use that system.
I went through the downloads and validated them. Let me know if you find any that are dead. I mihgt have missed a few. I plan to upload a bunch of stuff in the coming week too.
put up a calendar. Feel free to help me go through and add holidays. I was thinking about adding nonsense holidays as a category too…
![]() | the electric slide |
So, i’m seeing definite muscle loss with left leg since it’s in the cast. There has got to be a better way about this then just not using it at all and going to physical therapy afterward to make sure you build muscle back correctly. What I was thinking, get one of those electric pulse things, like the informercial belt you wear to strengthen abs. Send pulses to the affected muscles so that they flex and they won’t deteriorate, at least not as bad/fast. And for muscles covered in the cast, like my calf-muscle, have something that slides into the cast that gives the shock. I’m going to mention this idea to my doctor today.
![]() | Weave Area |
So i’m slowly making my way home today in traffic, and i see this sign that has a picture of two lanes coming together and splitting again, and the caption saying “Weave Area.” I don’t know if it’s the altered state of consciousness from lack of sleep, but i kept focusing on this phrase. Weave area. Then i started to notice the symetry in the words. each has 3 vowels and only 3 vowels. there are 3 A’s in the phrase and 3 E’s in the phrase, and only those 2 vowels appear. Since a W is basically the shape of two V’s, we can say there are 3 V-like structures in the phrase. and if we can assume that a W *is* just 2 V’s, then only 1 consonant appears in each word. and despite the second word being shorter, and being comprimised of the same number of vowels and less consonants, it contains 3x the syllables than the first word. Weave Area. I’m going to bed.
![]() | the beltway |
I put my belt on the “wrong” way yesterday. I usually feed it through counter-clockwise. I faintly remember something awkward about the act when i did it, but i didn’t realize what i had done until i went to the bathroom later in the day. I’m struck by this occurence. What changed to make me go against the habit that i’ve been doing for over 10 years? If i feed my belt counter-clockwise because i’m left handed, did something change to make my right hand dominant, if only for that brief moment? What a weird thing.