| And we gunna party like it’s your birthday |
I’m 28 as of the publishing of this post. That’s close to 30. I’m getting older.
Every year, I can’t help but reflect on my life; what I’ve done, what I wish I would have done, what I did, what I wish I didn’t do, What I am, and what I used to be, and everything in between. Normally, it’s very depressing. Is it healthy? I have no idea, but I think it’s all relative to what I do with that information afterward.
This year, I have created a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30. I’ve designed the list to be achievable, and inline with what my current vision of my life would be in a natural progression to 30. In this manner, it should serve 2 purposes: First, as goals, that I’ll strive for, challenging myself to complete. Second, when (if???) I finally reach 30, I’ll be able to compare what I wanted today, with what I want when I’m 30. Have they changed at all? Have I changed at all? Maybe these goals that I set when I was 28 are no longer important to me when I am 30. It’s sort of like a time capsule in that sense.
I’m going to use the category “life long goals” for updates to the list, even though it’s a departure for how I’ve been using it. I’ll update the list with dates and links to the blog posts as they’re completed.
Here’s to life, and never accepting it as ‘done’.