| Hall’s Rules of Social Order # 9 and #10 |
#9 – You can’t control who you fall in love with. Love just happens.
#10 – AIDS and babies, however, do not. Keep it in your pants and wait until you’re married.
| Hall’s Rules of Social Order # 9 and #10 |
#9 – You can’t control who you fall in love with. Love just happens.
#10 – AIDS and babies, however, do not. Keep it in your pants and wait until you’re married.
![]() | The only difference that I see – you are exactly the same |
“The difference between managing and leading is doing the right thing vs doing things right.”
– unknown
| Hall’s Rules of Social Order # 189 |
Companies that charge you for stupid things should never be trusted. You are only to embark on agreements with them out of necessity. If they’re not smart enough to think you’re smart enough to call "B.S." on a "convenience fee" or a "franchise fee" then they do not deserve your business. The very least they could do would be raise their base price and forgo the entire "nickle and dime" experience and labeling. If they charge you a first time set up fee to even enter into business with them, they do not care about you and you should consider yourself warned. As a people, we will never see the standards of customer service raised until we demand it.
![]() | Pittsburgh Penguins logo in LEGO bricks |
I was inspired to recreate the Pittsburgh Penguins logo in LEGO bricks on Sunday.
It took about 2.5 hours from start to finish. I started off with just making the yellow triangle in the back to figure out what scale I would be able to achieve with the pieces I have. I knew I wanted to make it a little more 3D, so I started with the white belly next making some 2×4 white pieces stick out so that they would lend to the structural integrity of the hockey stick.
Here’s the original logo that I used to replicate:
You can see that there’s no good way to duplicate those gloves, so I just made a few phalanges-like collections surrounding the stick.
For a quick turn around, I’m happy with it. There are a few things that I could easily do to improve it, but I’m just starting out to get an idea of where my strengths are naturally and what I will need to work on.
You can watch my flickr feed for more pictures and updates – www.flickr.com/photos/sixf00t4/sets/72157624043323210/
![]() | stuck in the moment |
Probably very much to do about the pens loss last night to the montreal canadiens in game 6, I had a dream I was playing in the game. I was the stand-by goalie, and we were down 3-4 in the second when I was put in to replace Fluery. I was amazing. So much so, that I deflected a shot so hard that it flew directly into the other goal to tie the game. Yes, I’m that powerful. Then, in the third period, I was on offense. For some reason, I was also frozen in the ice at the waist down, at about half-rink. With about 3 seconds left in the game, I busted out of the ice and skated to the net, caught a pass and directed it right into the goal to win 5-4. It was great, I was so shocked, people were so happy with me, but we all understood that it was just a fluke and that I’d go back to my normal life after the game.
| Hall’s Rules of Social Order # 36 |
Nurses are crazy. This rule is more accurately a postulate, because it’s based on me never meeting a sane nurse. Let the record show this rule had been established and verbalized around the year 2001.
Note: Rule 9 is important to keep in mind when referencing Rule 36.