Tag: stuff

Kallie in Cali – A lonely husband’s log – Day 3

22 December, 2011 (22:08) | Personal Update

I’ve had a few people asking my about my diet while Kallie is away.  It’s not great, but I’m getting by.  The nice thing is, I asked Kallie not to go grocery shopping before she left.  First, just so she didn’t have 1 more thing to do before she left, but also because I’m not […]

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #6

5 December, 2011 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

don’t procrastinate.  Stop putting it off, or you won’t have time to enjoy doing nothing later on.

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Top 10 tips to staying organized

29 November, 2011 (12:00) | Top 10

I like being organized.  I like lists because they help me stay organized.  Give me a list of tips on how to stay organized and I’m in heaven. http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/08/02/organized.people.o/index.html? To summarize, it’s easier to be organized when you reduce the amount of stuff you have to organize and you make the steps required for being […]

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #47

2 May, 2011 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

your key chain should be smaller than your open hand.  Meaning, if you can’t hold your key chain in your hand because you have too many stuffed animals, gizmos, pictures, cell phones, keys, toys, mirrors, shiny things on it, you have a problem.

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