

4 March, 2008 (14:50) | News

Forgot to mention, I had my first shamrock shake in about 10 years over the weekend.  absolutely fantabulous.  I’m not a big fan of mint usually, but I’m sure mcdonalds has pumped it so full of bad stuff that it’s good.  yum.


Personal Update

week’s recap

4 March, 2008 (11:07) | Personal Update

I’m sick.  started witha sore throat on thursday, and it’s worked it’s way all over my sinuses and body since.  I made it out to philly for the craft brew fest,  (affectionately refered to as the philly beer fest) and had a total blast.  I’ll post some pictures soon.

I’ve got a guy from the Netherlands coming in March 17th to stay until September for a work internship.  I’m excited to show him pittsburgh, and really, the US, because he’s never been here before.  Erik is his name.

nothing major planned, a trip down to west virginia for lucas’ wedding party, the show at the robinson clubhouse on the 21st, and just trying to get everything organized for that.

Life Long Goals

A collection of collected collections

28 February, 2008 (09:24) | Life Long Goals

Along the same mindset of the record rama collection, I want to have an awesome collection of something.  I’ve always had a streak of pack rat in me and a little bit of OCD organizer too.  I use to maintain a database of all my 6,000 baseball cards when I was a kid and I loved that.  I did the same thing with my movies, creating an online sortable/searchable list of everything I had with ratings and covers and everything.  I love that.  I’d like to take pride is something like that, and be able to display them too.  I’ve already mentioned thecollection of dirt/sand/water from around the world, but I’ve also thought about what other collections I’d like to have.  One was coffee tables.  Not that i’m particularly fond of coffee tables, because I’m not, but I like the unusual ones, like fish tanks, ones that look like a knight holding a shield, a board on the back of an elephant, interactive ones, etc.  Jay leno has cars and I’d have coffee tables.

Site Update

here to dallas

27 February, 2008 (22:16) | Site Update

uploaded "Here to Dallas" on youtube.  check it out and leave me some feedback love!

Thoughts & Ideas

a question of morals: Simplicity versus honesty

26 February, 2008 (17:27) | Thoughts & Ideas

so, you go to wendy’s and order a burger and a bottle of water during their busy lunch hour.  You get everything, sit down, and notice that they didn’t charge you for the water.  Do you go back and tell them?  I know a few people who would immediately say, "without a doubt."  But the over thinker in me thinks about the complications and intricate effects of your actions.  You have to jump line and deal with it which prevents everyone else from ordering and making their lunch shorter.  Maybe that cashier is new or just having a bad day, we all have them, and you pointing out their error will be heard by their manager, and they’ll get in trouble.  I go by the motto forgive and forget.  What will be will be.  que sara sara.  How about you?

Personal Update


25 February, 2008 (13:57) | Personal Update

you’d think I’d have something to say…something to rant about…after a week of nothing notable being posted, surely I’d have some storehouse full of interesting thoughts or ideas…surely something would have happened in a week that I could share with you…but I’m at a loss.  I’ve been too busy with work and life to have time to sit down and think.  I’ve been defaulting to my lack of motivation home life where I veg and stare lifelessly at the television watching america’s next top model walk by.  I think if i took a vacation at this point, that’d be all I’d do anyway.  Vacations need to be timed just right for me or they’re wasted.  I just got to keep my head above the water until my head gets straight enough to see what needs to get done and then I’ll get it done.  weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.