Yesterday, someone sent me (and a bunch of others) an email saying that cell phone numbers were going public and they had to call some number to make sure they were added to a do not call list. I got another email from someone else that said that there is a state wide speeding ticket blitz and to be careful. That same email was flowing around the office twice today and both times I had to tell them it’s false. Here are the emails:
Subject: Fw: Cell phone #s going public
Cell phone numbers going public tomorrow
REMINDER….all cell phone numbers are being released to
telemarketing companies tomorrow and you will start to receive
sale calls.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only
take a minute of your time.
It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must
call from the cell phone number you want to have
blocked. You cannot call from a different phone
It take about 20 seconds.
Subject: Speeding ticket Blitz
Starting today, Pennsylvania will launch a 30 day speeding ticket frenzy.
The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. 1 million will go to pay state troopers’ overtime. There will be 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways. They are the following:
I-279 north and south
I-376 east and west
I-76 east and west
I-80 east and west
I-79 north and south
I-70 east and west
5 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 to 20 minutes. They have issued 30 brand new unmarked Dodge Charger Police cruisers and are bringing in all of their part timers on full time. If you work in western Pennsylvania, you will probably take one of these highways. It’s up to you how fast you are going when they clock you.
KDKA and WDVE confirmed all of this. So be safe and don’t forget speeding tickets are on you.
Driving Ticket fine increase in PA:
Starting on August 15th, the price of a ticket for violation of PA Law 39:3-29 (failure to show your driver’s license, registration, or insurance card at the time you are stopped) is going from $44.00 to $173.00.
Please make sure your vehicles have the proper documents in them. If you jump in the car to run to the store and forget your wallet with your license in it and you are stopped…. Oh well… you just spent $173. And the fine for not having all three documents is $519!!!
Forward to people in Western PA, and let them know of this change!
and the two links on snopes that say they’re false:
So basically, if you are going to forward me something, CHECK YOUR SOURCES. If you don’t have any, CHECK SNOPES. This is textbook chain letter crap we’ve been dealing with since 1996. When in doubt, snopes.
Tags: Dodge Charger Police, driver, family, friends, insurance card, KDKA, Pennsylvania, people, politics, Work
Comments: 1
11 February, 2008 (00:05) | Top 10 |
Through my childhood, throw my teenage years, through my adulthood, and hopefully continuing through my life, I’ve had the privilege of having some amazing women play a part in my life. I won’t rank them, because they all are very important to me, each for their own reason.
- Mrs. Sofran – My kindergarten teacher. She knew me so well and she was so kind. I was so fond of her, and I still remember her unique nasal voice.
- Mrs. Sepesy – I don’t know her official title, but she was involved with the academic team and "that group" of kids in high school. She’s probably the most insightful and wise person I’ve ever met. Truth be told, I asked her if she married me but she said she would never remarry after her husband passed. She lit up my life every day I got to talk to her with her personality, sarcasm, and sense of humor. She really cared about us.
- Grandma Hall – I’ve told her before, I wish I have half of her strength and energy when I’m half her age. She’s over 80, has had a heart attack and stroke, has had so much tragedy in her life, but she still lives alone and can take care of herself pretty well. My Grandma is awesome.
- My mom – Of course. How she raised so many kids is beyond me. So much has gone on in her life, and she is so selfless. That’s probably her best quality, besides being my mom.
- Harriet – My post office lady. I miss her. She retired last July. Sometimes, I’d make an excuse just to go in and see her. I’d send her my heart priority mail if she asked for it. She was so genuine and sincere, and I felt connected over the 5 years or so of me going to see her. When I went to Italy, I mailed her a post card from the Vatican. When she retired, she gave me big envelopes to send books in because I’d always buy them from her. She kept saying that it’d be so much cheaper just to buy a bunch at walmart and pack the books at home, but I always liked coming in with a book and she’d grab me an envelope without me having to ask.
- Cindy – My first psychiatrist/counselor. I talked about her in a previous post, but she definitely played a part in my life and forming my mind to make decisions.
- All 4 of my sisters – J’aime, Serah, Keren, and Deirdre. I try to play roles in their lives too, but I wonder if they know how big a part of my life they are. They’re all so different, but we all are so close. I recently heard that we’re an intimidating force when we’re together because we seek each other out and need to be together. That’s all we’ve ever known and relied on in our lives.
on review of the list…3/10 were my teachers in one realm or another…you’d think I would have learned how to form a better sentence than the title of this post…
Tags: Deirdre, energy, first psychiatrist/counselor, Hall, home, Italy, Keren, kindergarten teacher, mom, play, school, Sepesy, serah, Sofran
8 February, 2008 (17:14) | News |
remember to tune into tonight at 8pm to listen to us play live. There should be a chat session up too! if you don’t make it tonight, the podcast should be up to listen to tomorrow.
Tags: play
Comments: 2
the YMCA just announced that they’ll build a new YMCA in the hill district, about…oh you know…1 block from my house. Not only build a brand new one, but add on to their existing one further down centre avenue. Awesome. 3 year plan is in full effect now.
Tags: hill district, house
Comments: 2
6 February, 2008 (10:47) | News |
So, we’ve got Hal, our 3 legged cat. Now there’s this new "babygirl" cat making headlines and I think Deirdre is going to try and adopt her too. Apparently she had 5 legs but needed to have 2 cut off. Deirdre sent them an email and they said to send in an application, but you need to be 21 to apply….Why? I have no idea. I’m guessing so you can buy it alcohol to drown it’s sorrows. I told her if she’s really interested, to fill it out as me, but that means that she’ll have to be twice as responsible about cleaning after them. How much of a mess can 2 cats with 3 legs each make though? That…2/3 the paw traffic.
Tags: Deirdre
"Walking has the pace of thought."
– Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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