Tag: dress

All In The Suit That You Wear

17 October, 2012 (12:00) | Poll the People

How much attention do you pay to what people wear around you?  Do you look to see what everyone is wearing all the time?  Do you only notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops?  Do you EVEN notice the flashy ties, bright dresses, or notable tops?  I know I barely can keep track […]

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I like the way you comb your hair, I like those stylish clothes you wear

21 September, 2012 (12:00) | Ramblings

WARNING:  I’m going to go on a bit of a rant about chivalry, gender roles, and social norms.  You may be offended or disagree. One frustration I have is women who complain they aren’t treated “fairly”.  WTF is fair?  If you want to be treated like a man, act like a man.  I absolutely think […]

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Hall’s Rules of Social Order #13

23 April, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Girls have a right to dance. If you’re smart, you’ll never try to deny them that right.  Eventually, they find someone who will dance with them.

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #107

28 March, 2011 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

You’re only as dressed up as your least formal article of clothing.  More specifically, you can’t dress up sports gear.  A football jersey with a sports coat and tie underneath is still a football jersey.  A sweater vest with warm up pants is still warm up pants.  You’re basically a walking contradiction.  That, or you’re […]

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no constellation at the belly but they got the machine to make ’em come off, come on.

15 October, 2010 (12:00) | Ramblings

I hate dress socks.  Why do I have to wear them? Because that’s what society says is normal and acceptable to be considered “dressed up”?  Not good enough. Because they’re dark?  How about I got a pair of WHITE dress socks in a variety pack.  WTF???  When would I EVER want to wear white dress […]

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