Tag: time travel

Theoretically, time travel is possible, in a read-only state

3 November, 2012 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

Look, I’m not some super educated person, and I’ll never claim to be.  It’s very possibly, and probably likely, everyone already knows this, but this just dawned on me the other day.  I’m not even going to bother researching it further because 1)I’m sure it’s there and 2) I won’t understand what they’re talking about […]

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Room with a view

31 August, 2012 (12:00) | Dreams

I had a dream where I was in a weird sci-fi building made up of a whole bunch of rooms linked together.  The rooms were about 8 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and about 20 feet long, but the corners were all rounded, much more like a stretched out bubble.  Everything was like a dark […]

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“In pace requiescat!”

29 April, 2004 (03:13) | Ramblings

Well, I just got done watching Donnie Darko again.  In the movie, Drew Barrymore says that a famous linguist once said that “Cellar Door” was the most beautiful word in the english language, which leads him to his destiny of going into Grandma death’s cellar door.  From what i have researched so far, the original […]

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